John D. Wasserman, Ph.D.
© 2016 by John D. Wasserman. All rights reserved.

Educational Environment and Services

Educational interventions may range from finding the right school (or right program placement) for your child to getting the academic accommodations and supports that your child needs. Many of my assessments recommend educational interventions, sometimes special education placement and often academic accommodations and supports. If a parent requests, I am happy to attend child study meetings to help develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 plans. I also work with teachers to implement academic and behavioral interventions.     

Family and Home Environment 

Changes in your home environment, routines, and responses to problems can sometimes yield profound changes in behavior. If needed, I will work with you to implement any recommended behavioral intervention programs, parenting education and support, or structural family interventions.             

Social and Interpersonal Skills

This era seems to be a particularly difficult time to be growing up, with social media and electronic communications sometimes substituting for the development of face-to-face peer interpersonal skills. If needed, I can refer you to a social skills intervention group, where your child can safely practice and develop improved social skills. Sometimes it is helpful to join an athletic team (e.g., soccer), as a peer group sharing common goals can help improve social and interpersonal skills.        

Cognitive-Behavior / Behavior Modification Therapies

Many children will benefit from talking about their difficulties, and I provide a safe, supportive environment. Cognitive-behavior therapy helps children and adolescents to examine dysfunctional thoughts that may be contributing to distress, while behavior modification involves changing parent responses to problem behaviors. Education about disabling conditions is also helpful, and I can steer you to some of the best books that may be informative about your child’s difficulties.

Pediatric, Neurological, and Psychiatric Consultations

In some instances, I will refer your child for a medical consultation, either to rule out a medical condition that may be contributory or to be evaluated for a medication trial. In students diagnosed with ADHD, for example, a trial with a stimulant can often produce immediate improvement in academic performance. Stimulants are no panacea, but they can be a useful tool to have available.